A picture paints a thousand words

They say a picture paints a thousand words. This one could quite possibly paint a few thousand. One thing is for sure. Something is going to get painted. I like the photographer in the backgound there “getting the shot”.

It definitely reminds us that we do indeed have a democrat in the whitehouse again, but at least Bill Clinton had the common decency to get his head in the oval office and not right out on the whitehouse lawn.

I saw this photo and I thought “what a great opportunity for a photo caption contest”. Please feel free to join in by using the “add comment” link. Okay then, I’ll start with a few of my own.

  • President Barack Obama demonstrates that he’s all about stimulus.
  • Obama and a few of his closest secret service friends enjoy one of the many perks of the presidency

One Response to “A picture paints a thousand words”

  1. Where are all the white women at?

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