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Back to the Mexican illegal immigration problem

Thanks Kimmer. I’ve been obsessed with this ever since you sent me that article. (Read my earlier post on the subject if you don’t know what I’m talking about).

I almost hate what I’m about to write because it’s going to sound so……Democratic. But I think it’s common sense. Illegal immigration is a huge problem in the good ‘ol US of A. I could sit here and type all the reasons and costs of why it’s such a big problem, but why do that when the government already did. You can read the staggering numbers right at this study on the Center for Immigration Studies website. For more information, go to the root domain right here and follow some of the links.

You’ll learn some amazing numbers and some really stupid ideas on how to fix the problem. Like building a big fence. Like assimilation and granting citizenship. Perhaps you’ll read long enough to read about political asylum.

All bad ideas if you ask me. All are reactive measures that don’t even look in the direction of the real problem, let alone address it. The real problem is that the mexican people that are desperatly trying to enter this country are trying to escape the horror of extreme poverty, disease and starvation. You don’t see Mexico’s elite scaling a fence or hiding in the back of a manure truck trying to get here. You don’t see Mexico’s businessmen and Mexican doctors running through the Arizona desert. You see Mexico’s poorest, most destitute people trying to save themselves and their families from a lifetime of misery.

Stick with me here for a minute. Say you have an asshole neighbor. Say that asshole neighbor has a dog chained up out back. Day after day and week after week you see this dog tied up out in the back yard of your asshole neighbor’s house. The asshole never gives him any fresh water. Maybe once or twice a week you actually see food in the dog’s dish. There’s no shelter. No box or doghouse to get in out of the rain and snow and wind. Just a poor shivering, starving dog trapped in a life of misery with an uncaring asshole in charge of his destiny, chained to a tree in the asshole neighbor’s back yard.

Then one day the dog gets so thin from the abuse and starvation that he slips out of his collar and breaks free. First thing he does is go to the trash cans and knocks them over to get something to eat because he’s starving. Let’s say you’re a nice person and actually put out a bowl of food and water for him and he sneaks up to your porch to get it. The asshole neighbor sees this, beats the dog and chains him back up to the tree, but since he’s an asshole, he doesn’t change anything. He still starves the dog and putting water out for him is a pain in his ass so he only does it once a week.

All the dog can think about is the glorious day that he broke free and got someting to eat and some fresh water. So now the dog thinks about breaking free all the time, and he does.

Does this make that dog a bad dog or is that just a good dog in a bad situation with natural survival instincts?

I think the answer to the illegal immigration problem lies in working with the Mexican government to put an end to their extreme poverty problem. I think if we spent half of the time, effort and money we spend now on the unsuccessful illegal immigration tactics that we currently employ and put that energy towards creating an environment where these desperately desperate people had some food, education, medical care and career opportunity that they wouldn’t be so quick to slip the chain, jump the fence and run to the neighbor’s house for food and water.

I think the solution lies in helping them out where they are so they don’t want to leave.

It’s time for a true story. I lived in Dauphin for about 12 years of my life. Every day when I’d drive home I’d pass this house that had a cute little Chow chained to a tree out front. The dog rarely had a bowl of water. It was always upside down and bone dry. For months I drove by and saw the dog getting thinner and thinner. I could see his ribs from the moving car. Still no water. That was the dog’s existence. No matter what time of the day or night I went by, he was there. Chained to the tree. No food, no water.

Finally late one night I stopped and unhooked him and put him in my truck and took him home. That’s right. I dog napped him. I fed him and gave him all the water he could drink. The next day I took him to the vet and got him shots and worm medicine that he badly needed. I took him back home and kept him for about three weeks until he started looking nice and healthy again. He was a nice dog. I thought about keeping him, but I couldn’t. I am a lot of things but I’m not a thief. Here’s what I did.

I taped a note to his collar and took him back one night and chained him back up to his tree. The note read something like this.

“I took your dog. He was in dire need of food, water and a vet. The rest of his medicine is in his doghouse. If I see him being neglected again I’m going to kick the shit out of you and then turn you into the authorities for neglect and abuse”.

cBelieve it or not it worked. They put an unspillable water dish out there. Half the time I’d drive by, he wasn’t there. I imagine he was in the house or somewhere. At least he was getting some kind of attention. He never lost weight or looked neglected after that either. I think they must have got the note.  The moral of the story?  I saw one of God’s creatures desperately in need and I took action at my own time and cost.  I brought him back to a stable level of health and then put him back where I found him with some insightful instructions and menacing consequences if those instructions weren’t followed, and I saved a life.  The same philosophy could easily be applied with the immigration problem.

Anyway, I’m glad I could share that story with you. That was back in the mid 80’s and I’m sure the statute of limitations has expired on the dog napping and threat charges that I could have gotten arrested for, but the meat and moral of the story remains the same.

The answer to the problem lies with creating a suitable environment where they are, so that there is no reason to escape. It’s common sense really. The only Canadians we see breaching our borders are rich ones who want to retire in Florida. Think about it.

Spring fever? Winter depression? What is this???

fuckitpenguinMotivation is at an all time low. I woke up this morning and watched as flurries of snow put a light dusting on everything outside. There’s a cold front coming in from the north so as the day goes on, the colder it gets. I don’t want to go outside. I hate the cold. My house needs cleaned in the worst way but I don’t feel like cleaning it. I’ll reluctantly put some laundry in later, just because I need some clean clothes for work next week. My desk is a wreck. The windows need washed and there’s a thick coating of dust on the piano. All the ash trays are full and every table and flat surface in the house has a bunch of shit stacked on it that needs thrown out or put away.

There’s nothing on tv but paid programming and I think that I’ve seen everything there is to see on the internet. There are prolly about 30 little projects around here that need done but I don’t feel like doing any of them. I think I need an optical rectumy. That’s where they snip that nerve that runs from your asshole to your eyeballs that gives you a shitty outlook.

Ok, screw it. Enough whining. I’m gonna grab a broom. I can pretty much guarantee though that it’s not going to be a white tornado in here. Prolly more like a mild drizzle but I have to start somewhere.

Hold on to your bloomers. The ride is just starting.

caponeletterI got home from work tonight and checked my mail as I usually do. I got an “Important Notice” from my credit card company, Capital One. I got one from American Express last week too but I just threw it out because I have a zero balance on that card and I rarely use it. Anyway, I get this notice and open it. Click on the picture to read it. It’s amazing.

It goes on to say that I don’t have to accept these terms. I can close my account and pay off my balance with my existing terms, which is exactly what I’d do if I owed them any real money. Fact is, I’ve been paying it off over the last few months because I saw this coming a mile away from the banks. You see, the only way they can recover the bad debt that they lent to losers and people who over extended themselves is by begging the government and hosing their good loyal customers who pay on time every month. So for their bad lending decisions and the idiots who over extended themselves and have stuck them with the bill, this is what the good guys get.

I only owe about $400 more dollars on that account and I’ll pay that this week. I’d close the account but that would be too easy. I intend to use that card about once a month for small purchases. Like, maybe a pack of cigarettes. That’ll make the monthy interest payment so low that it’ll actually cost them more to process the transaction and send me a bill that what they will make on the interest.

What will it really cost them? Pennies???? Sure, but it’ll be my little way of “sticking it to the man”.

By the way, my interest rates before this letter were 6.47% on purchases and 19.80% on cash, so they are basically more than doubling my rate.

A word to the wise. Pay down your debt if you can, and keep a close eye on the percentages on your statements.

The older I get the more I hate democrats


Hate is a strong word. That’s why I used it. When I was younger I never really payed much attention to politics. I was blissfully ignorant of what was going on in Washington and even in my own state as far as politics go. Now that I’m getting older, I’m paying more attention to it, and it really torques my screws. Especially the proposals of the democratic party and what they believe in.

Tonight’s source of my anguish is the SCHIP tax. For those of you who don’t know, SHICP stands for State Children’s Health Insurance Program, and the tax I’m talking about is the tax increase that they are going to put on tobacco products to fund it.

Now, I agree that the health care program needs help and it needs funding. I do NOT believe that people that use tobacco products should carry the burden squarely on their shoulders to fund every one’s children’s health care. Alone. This is a fine example of the democratic party’s skewed view of a fair and free country and distributing wealth and responsibility.

I never had children. I never wanted children. Yet, I find myself supporting other people’s children through taxes that I pay. I pay their school taxes. I pay for a lot of children’s programs for people who irresponsibly have children that they can’t pay for. I understand the dilemma. How can you tax people who are already getting a free ride and free medical care from the government?

Here’s my alternative. If you can’t make the irresponsible parents cover the cost of their children’s health care, and you absolutely must put that burden on other Americans, who supposedly create higher health care costs by their lifestyle, pass the burden off this way.

Tax Popeye’s Chicken. Tax KFC. That’ll get a bunch of your government dollars back. Tax MacDonald’s and Tax Burger King. Tax the fat asses that are the statistics of the world’s largest obesity problem in the world. Surely you are aware of the health care costs that are the result of that. Yes, that would tax nearly all Americans, or…a large percent anyway (pun intended). Hell, you’d still get a bunch of my tax dollars. I luvs me a Big Mac now and again.

What you are about to do will drive the tobacco industry into the same situation that the auto industry is in, but for no fault of their own. It will be the democrat’s fault. People will not be able to afford those products anymore or they will boycott those products. Sales will go down and jobs will be lost. Shops and companies will close and more people will be out of work.

The tax that they plan to impose on people making less that $250,000 a year which during the campaign they said they wouldn’t do, will be along the lines as follows.

  • .62 cent per pack increase on already over taxed cigarettes
  • roughly 30% tax increase on cigars ( a $5 cigar will now cost $8)
  • and this is the grand daddy…

  • A 2300% increase on loose tobacco (yes, that’s two thousand three hundred percent). A 1$ tax on 16 ounces of loose tobacco that people buy to roll their own cigarettes will be raised to $24.
  • Incredible.

    There will be no tax increase on deep fried chicken, colt 45, Big Macs, or french fries.mcdonalds-fat1

    The Mexicans are coming and I’m sorry

    povertyMy friend Kimmer turned me on to an article yesterday in the Washington Times about an Arizona rancher who’s ranch is on the Mexican border. In a nutshell, the rancher is being sued by 16 Mexicans who were trying to cross the border illegally, across his land. He held them at gun point with his dog by his side while he called the border patrol to come and arrest the illegals. In fact, he had done this so many times in the past eleven years that he has helped the border patrol arrest 12,000 illegals trying to gain access to this country by using his land as a gateway.

    Now, the latest group of 16 Mexicans that he caught are suing him. You can read the whole story here.

    I’ve thought deeply on this story since I read it. Just who do these people think they are? We stole this country fair and square. Our forefathers came over boat by boat and ship by ship to this land. They slaughtered scores of native Americans by introducing them to the business end of the firearms that they brought with them. They desecrated those heathen savages in every way possible, many times raping their women and killing their children until there was nothing left of them and leaving them nothing. Not even their pride. We stole this land fair and square right?

    Our fore fathers brought slaves over from Africa. Ship by ship and boat by boat, cleared farm land, planted food and cotton with the aforementioned slave labor. They built this country on that stolen land and made it in to what it is today and that is something we can all be proud of right?

    I am a proud American but sometimes, I really don’t feel so proud.

    You can tell that I have mixed feelings about this. As a young man I thought I had seen poverty in America. I thought I knew what poverty was. I’d seen homeless people before. Not a lot, but I’d seen them. I didn’t know shit.

    mexican-poverty1I went to Puerta Vallarta in about 1998 on a vacation. While I was there, I left the resort to go into town and check out some of the local shops and what not. I strayed a little farther past the outskirts of town than most Americans travel and that is where I saw true poverty. I saw true fear, hunger and despair in the eyes of innocent children. I saw an old woman in her 70s holding a baby in one hand and a tin cup begging for coins in the other while her daughter and grand daughter were trying to hawk up some business in the whorehouse a few doors down the street. These people’s best days don’t even come close to our worst. I sympathize and empathize with them. I’ve seen how they live and I can understand their desperation. I understand why they are willing to risk their lives to cross our border to make a few dollars an hour picking beans and chilies on our farms. I hold no animosity toward these people at all. They are just people, who are a lot worse off than we are, trying to survive.

    Having said all that, do I feel that they deserve a free ticket to the US? I don’t know. I don’t know that I even deserve to be here. I don’t know that you deserve to be here either. If I steal your car like our great great grandparents stole this land, do I deserve to keep it just because I have a bigger gun? Is posession really nine tenths of the law?

    These are tuff economic times, not only in this country, but world wide. Does anyone really think that a laid off GM worker is going to pick lima beans for three or four dollars an hour? Who’s jobs are they really taking or are they actually doing work that Americans are to fat and spoiled to do?

    I have no answers on this. I feel sorry for the rancher whose land and belongings are being ravaged and vandalized by these people. I feel sorry for the Mexicans because I’ve seen the horror they are trying to escape. I feel sorry for the Americans who feel they deserve the luxury of $5 cups of Starbucks coffee just because their forefathers sodomized the native American culture. I feel sorry. I feel sorry that I’m somehow part of it and I don’t have the answers. I am sorry.

    A picture paints a thousand words

    They say a picture paints a thousand words. This one could quite possibly paint a few thousand. One thing is for sure. Something is going to get painted. I like the photographer in the backgound there “getting the shot”.

    It definitely reminds us that we do indeed have a democrat in the whitehouse again, but at least Bill Clinton had the common decency to get his head in the oval office and not right out on the whitehouse lawn.

    I saw this photo and I thought “what a great opportunity for a photo caption contest”. Please feel free to join in by using the “add comment” link. Okay then, I’ll start with a few of my own.

    • President Barack Obama demonstrates that he’s all about stimulus.
    • Obama and a few of his closest secret service friends enjoy one of the many perks of the presidency

    Obama: ‘I screwed up’ on Daschle appointment

    God I love it when I’m right. Read it here. Now why not do the right thing and show the American people and the world that you mean business and prosecute him?

    (I tried to embed the video but CNN’s video site keeps timing out). Just go there and check it out for yourself!

    Obama hires tax evaders, yes criminals, to fill his cabinet

    What do Al Capone, Leona Helmsley, Tim Geithner and Tom Daschle all have in common? That’s right. They are all tax evaders. Now the more important question. What do Al Capone, Leona Helmsly, Tim Geithner and Tom Daschle NOT have in common? That’s right! Al Capone and Leona Helmsley are considered by the United States government to be criminals. Tim Geithner and Tom Daschle are considered by the Obama administration to be honorable men of character and respected men of his cabinet.

    Doesn’t that just chafe your ass? If it doesn’t, it should.

    Someone please tell me how that happens? Obama is just lumbering through the democratic field looking for cabinet members and flushed out not one, but two tax evaders. These are supposed to be people of utmost integrity according to his application process and criteria. I wonder how many more would be caught if a genuine investigation were launched.

    These two crooks should be charged with tax evasion. The fact that they have now recently paid those evaded taxes after they were recommended and offered high level positions in the new Obama administration is irrelevant. That’s like robbing a bank and then when the cops find out that you did it, you return the money to the bank and plead no harm no foul. It’s ok. I really didn’t mean to rob that bank. It must have been an oversight.

    I don’t think so. Not in my book.

    Hey Obama. You say you want to restore confidence in America? Why don’t you start by prosecuting these two criminals and show a little integrity and character yourself. You talk about how wall street execs should be ashamed. You should be ashamed by backing these two losers. It makes me sick to watch you downplay their crimes on national tv. It didn’t take long too get a glimpse into this future. You spent two years talking the talk. This is a much different “walk” than I was expecting for sure.
